by OMS Admin

The UK is home to some of Europe’s busiest airports. In the UK there is a total of 40 airports, which holidaymakers frequently fly. Often leading to queues and long waits. According to data released by the Civil Aviation Authority, the number of passengers checking through UK airports is continuing to break records. Before the coronavirus pandemic, there were more than 300 million passengers transported in 2019. 

What Are The UK’s Busiest Airports?  

In 2019, it was reported that the 5 busiest airports were London Heathrow, London Gatwick, Manchester, London Stansted, and London Luton. With London being the UK’s capital, this doesn’t result in a huge surprise. Furthermore, Manchester acts as a major international hub for travellers from the north of England. 

Airport Passengers No. of Airlines No. of Terminals
London Heathrow 80,890,031 90 4
London Gatwick 46,576,473 50 2
Manchester 29,397,357 100 3
London Stansted 28,124,292 16 1
London Luton 18,216,207 20 1

With such high numbers of passengers and staff, airports can be really difficult places for people who need special assistance. Passengers with reduced mobility (PRM), often struggle to navigate these often large terminals. The demands of these busy rail and airport environments can be extreme. With thousands of workers, passengers, and luggage passing through the areas. Therefore, often special assistance is required with a form of PRM transport, airport transport vehicles or airport wheelchair.  

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What Is A PRM Vehicle?

PRM stands for passengers with reduced mobility. They represent one of the fastest-growing demographics in aviation. In 2016 Heathrow reported that approximately 1.2 million PRMs travelled through their terminals. If you’re a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility you are legally entitled to support, commonly known as ‘Special Assistance’, when travelling by air. PRM vehicles help both staff and passengers navigate through airports, in a safe and comfortable way.  

Who can use a PRM vehicle?  

If you are a passenger with reduced mobility or a disability, you are legally entitled to support in UK when travelling by air. This is commonly known as ‘Special Assistance’. Due to the law in place airports and train stations must provide transport vehicles help and assistance, free of charge. To ensure the passenger has a stressless journey. Special assistance is available to passengers who may need help to travel such as the elderly, those people with a physical disability, and such as users. In addition to those who have difficulty in social situations, interacting and communicating such as passengers with autism, ADHD, or dementia. In terms of airports the UK law apples when a passenger: 

  • Flies on any airline from a UK airport 
  • Flies on an EU or UK-registered airline to another UK airport 
  • Flies from outside of the UK or EU to the EU on a UK carrier 

Passengers who require special assistance should give their airline at least 48 hours’ notice.  

What PRM Assistance Can A Passenger Obtain? 

It is vital a passenger is clear about the type of airport transport vehicles they require. Passengers should be aware that some airports might request a longer time frame between check-in and departure. Help is available from the moment a passenger arrives at an airport, covering: 

  • The journey through the departure airport including security checkpoints 
  • Boarding the aircraft and during the flight 
  • Disembarking the aircraft 
  • Transferring between flights 
  • The journey through the destination airport including the baggage claim area, immigration, and customs 

Range Of PRM Electric Vehicles 

There is a range of PRM transport vehicles available including an aisle Mobby transport chair, an e-Mobby electric transport chair, and a multi-Mobby. Each passenger airport transport vehicle has varying benefits in order to help passengers. With the indoor nature of airports, electric vehicles (EVs) are often the number one choice. Airport technology is constantly evolving therefore, different airports will have different solutions. So, ensure you have the correct arrangements for your needs, by contacting them directly.